Participate in NISAU's India tour: Achievers Dialogues 2024

You are invited to participate in NISAU's upcoming India tour: Achievers Dialogues 2024, held in partnership with the British Council in India.

The tour includes 10 events across India, with 8 distinct student recruitment events in key cities from 27 July to 10 August 2024. Here's how your university can benefit:

  1. Engage and Inspire: Reach a broad audience of prospective Indian students, inspiring them to choose the UK for their education through interactive workshops and inspirational conversations.
  2. Enhance Brand Awareness: Amplify your university's presence in India and build impactful relationships with leaders and influencers in India-UK higher education.
  3. Network and Showcase: Take advantage of networking opportunities to promote your specific offerings to students, influencers, and potential partners.

Last year's Achievers Dialogues engaged thousands of students, guiding them toward the UK as their destination of choice. In 2024, we aim to reach even more high-quality, talented Indian students by collaborating with Indian universities and influencers. NISAU is delighted to collaborate with UK Higher Education institutions to assure students that UK remains a welcoming, safe and high quality study destination, through our unique lens of knowing what genuinely works for students.


Action Required

A limited number of collaboration opportunities are available for UK HEIs. If you're interested in exploring these, please reach out to us as soon as possible to arrange a discussion.