Outward Mobility: Promote the February/March Opportunities

In the latest Study Work Create student newsletter we have a number of exciting opportunities for UK based students including:

  • Generation UK India Teaching Assistantship: The deadline has been extended to 2 March. Students and graduates of any course are welcome to apply.
  • Generation UK India Internships with Tata Consulting Services: TCS is partnering with Generation UK India  to recruit recent and soon-to-be graduates of the STEM fields. 
  • Thailand English Teaching Programme: Students and graduates from any course are eligible to apply for summer teaching placements in Thailand this summer. Applications close 6 March.
  • Generation UK China Scholarships:  Student could spend up to a year in China on a Generation UK scholarship learning the language and gaining meaningful experience abroad. 
To see full information about the opportunities including the deadlines for students to apply take a look at the Study Work Create February newsletter.
If you have recieved this via email, please do not forward onto students. Please use the links below to share the opportunities avaliable. 


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If you have received this via email, please do not forward onto students. Please use the links below to share the opportunities available. 

If you want to share the latest newsletter directly with students or pass it on to faculties to distribute then you can find the newsletter page here. You may also wish to encourage students to join the newsletter mailing list to keep up to date with all the latest opportunities.