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Opportunity to support the Study UK September Digital Media Campaign

We are launching our next paid-for digital media campaign on 18 September 2017 (to tie-in with Freshers’ Week) which will run into spring 2018.

The objectives for the campaign are to:

  • create consideration for the UK as a higher education destination
  • help students to understand the benefits and life-changing experience studying in the UK provides.

The concept underpinning the campaign is ‘Every day is open day’. No matter where you are based in the world, whether you’re a parent or prospective student, you will be able to explore the rich and life-changing experience of a UK education, accessing information and guidance at any time through our virtual channels – website and social media channels.

The Study UK campaign runs in all markets where the British Council operates. However, for the paid-for campaign, there will be a focus on key cities in five markets: China, India, Hong Kong, Turkey and Pakistan. These markets have been selected due to factors such as insight on the amount of students coming from these countries to the UK, city population sizes, student population growth sizes etc.

There will be full integration with activities happening in-country for these markets to ensure that it is one global co-ordinated campaign that is both efficient and effective. By this, we mean that if there is an exhibition or event taking place in one of the countries listed above, this will be promoted through the paid-for campaign.

Your Involvement
The campaign can only be successful if we work together with all of our stakeholders. Below we have some suggestions about how you could get involved. We continue to look for new and innovative ways that we can work together and if you have more suggestions, please do contact me.

  1. Support ‘Every day is open day’ by co-creating content with us
    In order to improve the existing Study UK website and social media channels, we want to introduce more of the student voice into our communications, as well as having regular content from institutions. We are happy to use content with university branding and intend to use it across our websites and social media to support the campaign.

We have identified three areas where you could possibly help us with content:

  1. Identify student bloggers
    We are looking for international students from the following countries: Pakistan, India, China, Hong Kong and Turkey. We would like a mix of undergraduates, MA and PhD students. We want our bloggers to share what it is like to be a student in the UK, tips and advice covering all aspects of their student experience- including,  cost, safety, how welcome they felt, the social scene and great teaching.

Here is an example: http://blog.westminster.ac.uk/international/ To help us with selection, please send a sample blog / piece of writing that is no longer than 350 words.

  1. Share testimonials from international students that have taken part in a work placement / internship/voluntary work

This could take the form of quotes or video content. For video content, we are looking for films that are no longer than two-three minutes. In terms of articles, 350 words maximum.

3)         Provide us with 360 tours of campus

In order to give international students a taster of what it’s like to be a student, we would like to feature different campuses. This is an example: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/virtual-tour/

Please send content and any other ideas you may have to Jane Kandasamy (GREAT Britain Campaign Communications Manager) by Wednesday 23 August 2017. There will be another content call in September / October time as we refresh the content.

  1. Amplify the campaign through your channels

In order to reach as many prospective international students as possible, we would be grateful if you could share our content across your channels. Please ensure you are following the Study UK social media channels and re-sharing our content.

  1. Use our assets

We have lots of Study UK assets available which can be used across your channels e.g website, newsletters, events etc.

Action Required

Visit the GREAT asset bank and search Study UK.

If you’re a new user, when asked for a ‘Asset library contact’, please use: simon.edwards@britishcouncil.org If you would like support, please email: GREATbrand@britishcouncil.org
We will be developing assets for our September campaign and will share these with you next month.  See the attached document for updates on progress of other Study UK initiatives.

Study UK campaign update.docx16.33 KB