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Opportunity: Students’ and faculty mission to Scotland, UK - July/August 2019

British Council Pakistan’s study familiarisation programme will bring a group of approximately 20 students from a recognised university in Pakistan to Scotland in July/August 2019 for five days. The objective of this programme is to introduce Pakistani students to international education in Scotland, explore different courses, UK application procedures and become acquainted with international culture and community through study experiences, discussions, and workshops held in Scottish higher education institutions.

As part of this programme, a Scottish institution hosting the students’ delegation will deliver a five-day study programme focusing on social entrepreneurship, leadership, management and communication skills. Please see the attachment for further details regarding trip objectives, the benefits for the participating Scottish institution, and a proposed programme from the British Council. 


Event details and format:

Dates for the programme: A week at the end of July or beginning of August, 2019 (four to five working days)

Delegation composition: 20–25 students, 2 faculty/staff members from administration and 2 staff members from British Council


In your expression of interest/proposal please indicate the following:

1. Initial draft for five-day study programme which considers the trip’s objectives

2. Possible meetings between the faculty/administrative staff from visiting university and representatives from External/International Relations Department of host institution to explore future collaboration or partnership

3. Confirmation of provision for lunch/networking lunch (Halal/vegetarian dietary requirement) with possible invitation to colleagues to join from External/International Relations Department of host institution



The study programme should accommodate a minimum of 20 students and be delivered within a budget of 5000 GBP, which should cover tea and lunch for five days. British Council will be responsible for accommodation of the visiting students and transportation to/from the host institution.



Host institution will be selected on the strength of the study-programme they propose

• Finalised host institution will be required to send their willingness to host the delegation of students visiting the UK under the British Council Pakistan study familiarisation programme on their official letterhead

Please submit your interest to host the delegation along with a framework of a study-programme by 07 June, 2019

Action Required

Action required - Submit your interest to:

Haroon Rashid
Manager, Study UK - International Education Services
Islamabad, Pakistan

M +92 (0) 331 506 1079 / + 92 (0) 300 022 9724