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Opportunity for a Speaker at the Education UK Agents Meeting – Nigeria, May 2015

British Council Nigeria is organising an Agents Meeting on Thursday, 28th May 2015 for UK Education Agents in Nigeria.

British Council Nigeria office launched the British Council’s Advanced Agents Certificate course in March 2015 and will also run two cycles of the Education UK Agents Foundation Course in April & September 2015. The courses are designed to strengthen the agents’ expertise in promoting the UK as a study destination by providing high-quality information, resources and services to potential international students. Over 100 agents have successfully passed through the agent’s course in Nigeria.

The objective of this workshop is to provide a platform for professional development opportunities to student recruitment agents in Nigeria aimed at improving professionalism, business ethics and encourage capacity building.

This is an invitation for expressions of interest from representatives of UK institutions to speak at the Agents Meeting. We require a nominated speaker to lead a session on the following topic:

- Marketing & Promotions

The speaker will be given 45 minutes to have an interactive session at the agents meeting.

The British Council will offer the speaker:
- An Economy Return Ticket
- Accommodation of 2 nights
- Airport Pickup & Drop-off
- 1 table at the venue for display of institutions brochures/materials
- Display of 1 Pull up banner at the venue

Why Participate?
According to the 2014 Student Insight Report for Nigeria, 47.1% of the survey respondents confirmed preference to use agents to facilitate their international study decisions. The agents’ meeting is also an opportunity to build a good rapport with student recruitment agencies in Nigeria.

Action Required

Please send your expression of interest to Maria Williams at Maria.Williams@ng.britishcouncil.org on or before Friday, 1st May, 2015.