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Opportunity: Programme Launch for International Education Services Now! online forum - 6 June

Thank you for attending the online forum. Please fill in this short feedback form by Friday 14 June.

The inaugural “International Education Services Now!” online forum will take place on the 6 June 2019. This free digital event will provide updates on British Council activity as well as intelligence and market insight. The forum is suitable for participants involved in international student recruitment, marketing and policy.

The online element will allow us to reach even greater numbers of international educational experts and create even more opportunities for delegates to actively participate in presentations and discussions that take place throughout this online forum.



Time Session/Speaker
10:00am - 11:00am Matt Durnin, Global Head of Insights & Consultancy - Global Market Update
11:30am – 12:30pm What’s new with International Education Services?
13:30pm – 14:30pm Michael Peak, Head of Higher Education Systems Research, Research and Policy Insight Unit - The shape of global higher education
15:00pm – 15:30pm Maya Frost, GREAT Britain Campaign Digital Manager - What's new with Study UK?
16:00pm – 16:30pm Helen Clews, Immigration and External Relations (Visas) Advisor - An insight into student safety and wellbeing


 Please see the attachment for a full programme breakdown and an introduction to our guest speakers. 


How to register?
Please complete the Registration Form here.

After registering, you will receive joining instructions next week on how to access our exciting International Education Services Now! online forum! In the meantime, please mark your calendars and save the date!

Please note, in order to access the online forum you must have pre-registered on the International Education Services online website.


Action Required

Please complete the Registration Form here.

After registering, you will receive joining instructions next week on how to access our exciting International Education Services Now! online forum! In the meantime, please mark your calendars and save the date!

Please note, in order to access the online forum you must have pre-registered on the International Education Services online website.