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  • An opportunity to market your Summer English Courses to learners in five of the GCC countries!

An opportunity to market your Summer English Courses to learners in five of the GCC countries!

The British Council is planning to run a digital marketing campaign to promote UK summer English courses to audiences in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain. Saudi Arabia is the UK’s third largest sending market for ELT, and together the Gulf countries account for over 9% of the average student weeks spent in the UK (English UK, 2014). In 2016 school holiday dates in the region overlap particularly well with UK summer English programmes!

The marketing campaign will run on the Education UK Facebook channel in the above countries over 2 week period, starting on 2nd June 2016. Across the participating countries posts can reach audiences of up to 10,000 people. The campaign will target mainly young learners and their parents and will consist of a series of posts promoting the UK as an ELT destination and offering practical advice on choosing a course, as well as sponsored content from participating providers.

Fees per institution: £680 inclusive of 2 boosted posts per institution per country + translation into Arabic
This advertising opportunity is available to a minimum of 3 and maximum 5 providers.

Requirements: a photo or a video, website link and promotional text not exceeding 200 characters. (Text will be translated into Arabic and posted in both Arabic and English).

Please note it is the responsibility of the institution to highlight their value proposition and make the call to action clear and attractive.

Action Required

Interested providers please contact Jessica Kawkabany at Jessica.Kawkabany@qa.britishcouncil.org. Participating providers will need to provide all requited elements by May 30th 2016