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An opportunity to get digital engagement from Qatar through a social media marketing campaign in early Spring

Early Spring is a busy recruitment period in Qatar when many students start to focus their efforts on searching for possible universities. The SIEM team in Qatar is planning to run a social media marketing campaign to provide an opportunity for institutions to promote their courses, scholarships offered and to highlight their presence at Qatar EDUKEX exhibition scheduled on 12 – 13 March, if attending. Through our Study UK – Discover You Facebook audiences in Qatar, our posts can reach not just our 2000 page followers, but also up to 25,000 potential people interested in education, higher education, undergraduate education and postgraduate education. Online competitions are very popular in Qatar, and this campaign is designed to increase audience awareness of and engagement with UK Higher Education institutions, and to drive traffic to participating institutions’ websites.

The campaign will take the form of quiz which will run on the Study UK Facebook platform. Questions will be posted daily with prizes of vouchers to popular retail outlets in Qatar. Audiences will post answers on the page and winners will be announced the following day with a repeat of the question and the institution’s logo/photo/video and link to website.

Participating institutions will provide a quiz question relating to their institution - the quiz question may relate to rankings, student satisfaction, employment outcomes, research and innovation, course of excellence, etc. The answer should be reasonably easy to find on the specified landing page. This approach allows institutions to decide on the message they wish to promote to fans.

The campaign will run for the three weeks preceding the implementation of the intensive exhibition’s generic marketing campaign.  It will start on 10th February 2017, with the final winner announced on 2nd March 2017.


Institutions to supply one quiz question about their institution (and the correct answer) and a link to the landing page(s) where the answer to the quiz question is to be found + Image/logo or 30 seconds video

The winner announcement posts will guide students to make contact with institutions whether through contacts form or by guiding them to meet representatives at the exhibition if attending, where we’ll mention the date and venue of the exhibition. The individual competition posts will be bookended with generic posts about the competition and generic frequently asked questions about UK education.


350GBP per participating institution

A minimum of four participating institutions are needed to generate engagement and buzz. Due to time contraints the maximum number of participating institutions is 10.

Sample post text

February Competition - Enter our competition and WIN a 200QAR voucher for XXX!

Today’s quiz question:

What is the ranking of the University of XXX in the 2015 Student Satisfaction Survey?

Post your answer in the comments below and check back tomorrow to find out if you’re the winner!

You can meet a representative from University of XXX us at the Study in the UK Exhibition, at La Cigale Hotel Doha. Register now to win another attractive prize! See you there!


Action Required

Interested institutions should send an email the SIEM Team in Qatar at SIEM.QATAR@qa.britishcouncil.org with their expression of interest and the below requirements before 7th February 2017:

  1. one quiz question about their institution (and the correct answer)
  2. a link to the landing page(s) where the answer to the quiz question is to be found
  3. Link to "contact us" form to be used as a Call to Action for the second post, if institution is not attending Qatar EDUKEX
  4. Image/logo or 30 seconds video
  5. Purchase Order number, if required for invoicing


PS: Participating institutions should be listed on one of the following government lists:

Scholarships list:http://www.edu.gov.qa/Ar/structure/HigherEducation/HigherEducationInstitute/Offices/Documents/SFinalList2992016.pdf  
Self-funded students list: http://www.edu.gov.qa/Ar/structure/HigherEducation/HigherEducationInstitute/Offices/Documents/2016List.pdf