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Opportunity to feedback on the Indian government’s new draft regulations allowing foreign higher education institutions to set up branch campuses in India

The University Grants Commission (UGC) of India released the attached draft regulations for ‘Setting up and Operation of Campuses of Foreign Higher Educational Institutions in India’ for public consultationThe notice and the regulations are also available on their website.

The document outlines the eligibility criteria for foreign HEIs: if a university, it should be in the top 500 of global overall/subject rankings; and if an educational institution, it should be reputed in its home jurisdiction.

The foreign HEIs will have autonomy in deciding their own admission process and fee structure including need-based scholarships whether funded from endowments, alumni donations, tuition revenues and/or other sources. They will also have freedom to recruit faculty from India and overseas as well as design the salary structure and other service related terms and conditions.

Repatriation of funds and maintenance of Foreign Currency Accounts will be allowed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999 and its Rules.

UGC approval is mandatory in setting up the campus and will be initially for a period of ten years. It can be renewed in the ninth year on submission of requisite documentation.  The stipulated time in starting the campus is two years from the date of approval. 

Online and open and distance learning modes are not allowed.  The recruited foreign faculty is expected to stay in India for a reasonable period. The tuition fee structure should be transparent and reasonable.

The quality of education and the qualifications awarded to students studying in these campuses should be equivalent to the qualifications and standards of the foreign HEI’s main campus in its country of origin.

It should be noted that the programmes offered should not jeopardises the national interest of India or the standards of higher education in India.

Your attention is drawn to the opportunity to feed into the draft regulations which is currently undergoing a public consultation process.  Please note that the response deadline set by the UGC is tight.


Action Required

The British Council in India is coordinating feedback on the draft regulations from the UK HE sector to share with the UGC.  You are encouraged to send your comments / suggestions in the attached feedback form to Sandeepa Sahay by 23:59 on Monday, 16 January 2023