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Opportunities for UK higher education providers at EAIE Conference

The 27th European Association for International Education (EAIE) annual conference will be held in Glasgow on 15-18 September 2015.

Education UK Pavilion

The EAIE conference is Europe’s largest study abroad fair. As such we would encourage all UK HEIs to be represented. The British Council will be hosting an Education UK Pavilion which will promote ‘Study in the UK’ opportunities and provide opportunities for HEIs to be represented in a larger space for a reduced cost.

The Education UK Pavilion will demonstrate clearly the uniqueness, strength and variety of the UK higher education offer. We will be offering two options:

1) Your own space for the duration of the conference, which would be labelled with your institution’s branding and would be for your use only.

2) A shared space with another institution, which would be co-branded and used by both institutions (the onus would be on both parties to liaise about timings in advance).

In addition, the British Council representatives on the Education UK Pavilion would be able to direct visitors to institutions and respond to any queries/pass on messages through a message board facility. Depending on your interest we may include a networking event at the Education UK Pavilion. We are also in touch with ‘Study in Scotland’ and ‘Universities Wales’ and hope to be located near to their exhibition spaces to represent a cohesive higher education offer from the UK.

Please send expressions of interest to Juhanie Cheung at juhanie.cheung@britishcouncil.org by 4 November 2014.

Call for proposals

The British Council would like to encourage UK Higher Education Institutions to use this as an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the UK sector’s knowledge and best practice to a prime audience of higher education professionals from across Europe. The call for proposals is now open with a deadline of 4 November 2014. Please consider chairing or speaking in a session, or proposing a workshop, poster session or Ignite© session.

Further information on speaking can be found here: http://www.eaie.org/home/conference/become-a-speaker.html The conference theme for 2015 is “A Wealth of Nations”, looking at how the higher education sector can exploit the wealth of knowledge residing in Europe’s diverse nations. The EAIE conference programme committee will be looking for proposals linked to this theme and contributions should:

• Explore trends and developments in the field.

• Share best practices and innovative solutions.

• Examine controversial topics that evoke debate and discussion. 


Action Required

In view of the competitive nature of exhibitions at international level and the impact that other national and regional stands have had at EAIE, we hope there will be a strong UK presence in Glasgow both at the UK pavilion and in the programme of events.

If you would like to participate in the UK Pavilion, or if you would like help putting together a session proposal or identifying speakers to contribute, please contact Juhanie Cheung at Juhanie.Cheung@britishcouncil.org.

Please note the deadline for expressions of interest for both opportunities is 4 November 2014.