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  • Only a week to submit your EoI. Engagement to Enrolment - The FIRST EVER Conversion Conference in the UK

Only a week to submit your EoI. Engagement to Enrolment - The FIRST EVER Conversion Conference in the UK

Don’t miss your opportunity to join the first ever international student focused Conversion Conference for UK education institutions!

‘Application to Offer to Enrolment’ conversion is one of the most time-consuming and difficult challenges for UK institutions. 

British Council is here to help with that challenge with two opportunities to join a brand-new digital initiative, focusing specifically on undergraduate and postgraduate student offer holder conversion for September 2021.

Conversion Conference (4 days): Monday 17 - Thursday 20 May 2021

Conversion Symposium (2 days): Tuesday 20 - Wednesday 21 July 2021

Institutions will be requested to invite all of their September 2021 international application offer holders to join a conference where institutions will have the opportunity to:

  • directly engage with those student application holders in their own virtual-booth via one-to-one conversations
  • deliver and join key sessions on strong academic areas attracting additional students who may also be attending the conference
  • join key thematic sessions representing their key programmes and their institutions for their application holders to engage

This is your opportunity to reach out and ‘convert’ international students at a time when it is more important than ever to attract students to your institution.

UK institutions are invited to complete our expression of interest form here

What will you gain by joining our Conversion Conferences? 

  • Be part of our first ever student focussed Conversion Conference to ‘convert’ your offer, with technical experts on hand to support throughout 
  • Place your university at the forefront of a subject promotion by opting to deliver a subject-specific webinar
  • Have one to one conversations, or by group, to your offer holders
  • Track the success of those conversations from offer to enrolment
  • Invite your education agents to join the event with your students to provide additional advice and support to students whilst representing your institution in our ‘Agent Zone’
  • High visibility and promotion for your institution throughout the event
  • Benefit from promotion through British Council education agents and counsellors network
  • Enjoy longer-term promotion beyond the duration of the event:  webinars will be recorded and available to all registered attendees

The package for participating institutions also includes:

  • Participation in the full webinar programme covering the most popular subjects alongside practical advice on:
    • fees payments, accommodation, security, student support, health awareness...and much more
  • Joint free delivery on any of the areas above for any HEI who specialise in any of these areas above

Institutions have the opportunity to show-case their academic programme leader expertise by selecting up to three subjects from the list below to lead themed participation in:

  • Business/Management/Finance
  • Computing
  • Creative Arts
  • Design
  • Engineering
  • Hospitality 
  • Law
  • Marketing
  • Media studies
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Other (please specify)

Every institution can highlight these sessions to their application holders giving them a change to directly engage with their professional programme leader.

Each webinar will consist of a panel of up to four speakers from different institutions.

The webinars will be moderated by British Council staff who will provide a detailed briefing to panellists.

Action Required

Cost: Conference £2000, Symposium £1000, both events £2500 + VAT.

UK institutions are invited to complete an expression of interest form by Friday 10th April here.

If you have any questions about the event please do not hesitate to get in to touch by emailing the team.