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Online masterclass series with key Indian schools, colleges, and universities

Update: masterclass slots available until March 2022. Book now!

We are delighted to introduce the Online masterclass series 2021 in India, following the successful launch and delivery last year. The online masterclasses were highly recommended and was strongly valued by UK HEIs last year, with excellent feedback. In 2020, we had delivered 35 webinars, with 5 participating UK HEIs. For these events we had engaged with 35 top Indian HEIs and schools across the country with almost 3000 student registrations and 2000 attendees for these events.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced higher education institutions across India to shift towards online learning as the country has been under a lockdown since March 2020. Remote learning, distance learning, home learning, online learning, e-learning and webinars continue to be the buzzwords and realities of the day. Like their global counterparts, education institutions in India have adopted e-learning platforms to deliver lessons and study materials to students.

About the webinars

IES India is organising webinars for UK institutions which will help promote the UK as a study destination. As virtual contact becomes the new normal, the education sector around the world is trying to adapt swiftly to immense change. The British Council masterclasses will provide UK HEIs an opportunity to raise their profile by delivering virtual lectures / masterclasses/ workshops/ webinars and promotions across a range of subjects and themes to high potential students in Indian schools and colleges.

These webinars are an opportunity for academics from UK institutions to engage with prospective students directly without disturbing the busy schedule of daily lectures. During the webinars UK academics can connect with local institutions and students by delivering a web-seminar on pre-agreed topics at an agreed time and date.


  • to position the UK as preferred study destination of choice among higher education institutions and students in India – especially those looking to apply this year and next
  • to encourage continuous strategic engagement and collaboration between UK HEIs and Indian HEIs during and post pandemic
  • Build sustainable and long-term partnerships with top Indian institutions
  • recruit and influence students for 2021/ 2022 terms through virtual engagement as face to face interactions have been stopped.
  • to promote undergraduate/ postgraduate/ courses/scholarship opportunities to prospective students interested in studying in the UK and build a pipeline for 2021
  • opportunity to promote UK institutions courses to their target audiences
  • opportunity for participating UK institutions to raise their brand visibility, recall and engagement through webinar
  • opportunity to speak about the UK’s excellent health care and fantastic Covid19 response by UK HEIs as well as stress on health and safety measures
  • an opportunity for UK institutions to reach focussed audience with the help of seminars delivered by UK academics with the help of pre-arranged topics over digital platform


  • Higher education institutional representatives
  • Students

*webinar for undergraduate subjects’ audience will be prospective students from premium schools in India (equivalent to A levels)

*webinar for postgraduate subjects’ audience will be prospective students from Indian HEIs 

Each webinar will have the following structure though we are happy to accommodate your special needs if any:

  • Introduction by British Council
  • Short introduction of the HEI by HEI representative
  • Masterclass/ workshop/ session by HEI representative
  • Share HEI email and phone numbers for students to write back to
  • Vote of thanks by British Council
  • *the running order and content can be tweaked as needed but will have to be approved by the local institution.

The British Council will after each webinar send an email to the students and local institution who attended thanking them for their time and sharing UK HEI email/ data collection link so UK HEIs can directly collect student data adhering to GDPR rules.   

Mode of webinar delivery

We will facilitate the webinars between the UK and the local institutions through an online webinar tool. Through these webinars, the UK institutions get a platform to interact and engage directly with prospective students from local institutions.

The topic and theme of each webinar will be agreed in consultation with local school or college. British Council will share tentative number of audience (approx. 30- 50) and institution profile (India HEI or school) with participating UK HEI prior to the actual webinar session. 


£450 per webinar/Indian institution + UK VAT

Action Required

These webinars will run throughout the year and you may wish to sign up for one or more webinars. Kindly click on the link to book your slot.

For more information please write to Deepika Baruah