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New opportunity for the UK education institutions to promote short-term and summer programmes in Azerbaijan

The British Council Azerbaijan is pleased to inform about a new opportunity – monthly digital newsletter for the UK education institutions to promote their short term and summer programmes in Azerbaijan. We are offering up to 10-15 spaces for institutions per newsletter for promotion.

This will give an excellent opportunity for the UK education institutions to reach out the parents, students and professionals in Azerbaijan interested in the short-term and summer programmes in the UK.

The information that will be provided about the short-term courses by the UK education institutions will be placed in the monthly digital newsletter to be issued and promoted among the target audience in Azerbaijan in February, 2017.

Key words: summer course, summer programme, short-term course, education, business, economy, finance, accounting, marketing, communication, English, employability skills, culture, professional development, tourism and etc.

About the newsletter - This digital newsletter will be issued on a monthly basis to promote the educational opportunities offered by the UK education institutions in Azerbaijan. The February, 2017 edition of the newsletter seeks to sustain and improve the UK’s share of the short-term education market by highlighting the quality and variety of the offered courses. UK educational institutions, universities, ELT providers, colleges, schools are invited to promote their summer/spring and short-term programmes in the newsletter.

Target Market
Students, graduates, professionals of Azerbaijan interested in the short-term study abroad opportunities.

Newsletter Content
Introduction to study in the UK opportunities (prepared by the British Council).
A map of the UK showing the location of participating institutions (prepared by the British Council)
Institution profiles and course information (up to 10-15 institutions listed in alphabetical order).

Each profile page will consist of:
Institution name, logo, and contact details
Brief information on the institution (up to 150 words)
Course information including dates, tuition fees (up to 150 words)
Up to three photos per profile (the British Council will select 1-3 photos that best fit the space/content)

Distribution plan (online)
The newsletter will be distributed through the following channels:
British Council Azerbaijan’s exhibition database (up to 3500 subscribers registered for the Education UK Exhibitions in Azerbaijan last 2 years (4 exhibitions)).
University e-mail list serves (at least 10 universities).
School list serves (mainly private).
The newsletter will be promoted on the British Council’s Facebook page
Shared with the local study abroad agents.

 Per profile per University: £400 (design fee inclusive)*
 Invoices will be sent early February, 2017.

 Deadline for submissions: 10 February 2017
 Distribution period: 13-28 February, 2017

Submissions will be accepted based on the relevance (duration of the programme) on a first come first served basis. To reserve a space in the newsletter, please send required information (institution profiles and course information) to: nigar.nasrullayeva@britishcouncil.az by 10 February 2017.
For more information and questions about the newsletter please feel free to contact us.

Contact information:
If you have any enquiries about this opportunity please write to:
Nigar Nasrullayeva
Education Officer
British Council Azerbaijan
Email: nigar.nasrullayeva@britishcouncil.az
Tel: +994 12 497 15 93 (extension #: 1140)

Action Required

 Deadline for submissions: 10 February 2017
 Distribution period: 13-28 February, 2017

Submissions will be accepted based on the relevance (duration of the programme) on a first come first served basis. To reserve a space in the newsletter, please send required information (institution profiles and course information) to: nigar.nasrullayeva@britishcouncil.az by 10 February 2017.
For more information and questions about the newsletter please feel free to contact us.

Contact information:
If you have any enquiries about this opportunity please write to:
Nigar Nasrullayeva
Education Officer
British Council Azerbaijan
Email: nigar.nasrullayeva@britishcouncil.az
Tel: +994 12 497 15 93 (extension #: 1140)