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New digital offer marketing, Bangladesh: raise your profile and student numbers through our online marketing services

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our digital marketing offers to you. We have developed a range of exciting digital marketing avenues which include British Council owned web channels as well as social media channels along with other web- based platforms which will enable you to reach large numbers of students through focussed and targeted marketing activities.

We hope you have a rewarding experience with our digital offers and we look forward to working with you in  future.

Bangladesh has a large student and influencers’ database and networks across multiple digital and social media channels. Our databases are created from our exhibitions and other marketing/event activities across English Medium schools and Private Universities as well as from our schools and exams databases which include audiences from metro cities as well as second tier cities.

The British Council in Bangladesh enjoys high brand value and visibility across Bangladesh. British Council continues to be the primary source of information for students interested in studying in the UK. This is a country with large student populations and growing incomes as well as an increasing ambition for international higher educational attainment. As a country with an information- and technology-based economy, to reach students and influencers here would make digital marketing solutions for UK education institutions a clear way forward. Bangladesh is a country where Internet penetration is very high and it is 24% at present. Bangladesh has 4.08 crore internet users as of August, according to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. Bangladesh has largest mobile subscribers compared to other counties in South Asia. Facebook users in Bangladesh are 10.5 million and interestingly there is one user adding to Facebook in every 8 seconds from Bangladesh.

How do you benefit from our digital offer?

  • The university will have flexibility in designing the content and messaging for the campaigns to ensure we are responding to market needs
  • Appearing on British Council owned platforms or under the Education UK banner will allow your institution to take make the most of the British Council brand value and trust
  • Bangladesh team will provide expert advice and consultation on campaign strategy, tone and messaging to ensure it caters to the local target audience
  • Focussed and relevant messaging will achieve higher ROI’s and enhanced responses
  • Increased traffic to University website will generate interest in and increase awareness of the publicised business school courses
  • Multiple platform campaign through 360 degree activities ensures reaching larger targeted audiences 





Client Requirements


Direct Mailers

10000 recipients approx. This can be filtered for subject specific requests. Branded email-shot will be sent to all potential students in our database who are interested in studying in the UK



Messaging and content

(1-999): £150.00

(we target only the latest database for mailers)  

SMS shot

10000 recipients approx. This can be filtered for subject specific requests. Branded email-shot will be sent to all potential students in our database who are interested in studying in the UK  


Messaging and content within 160 characters with space

(0-200): £100.00






Same cost repeated per 3000 contacts up to 10000 reach

Skype chat counselling

This can be designed as per the Institution’s requirement. The team can organise Skype sessions to be delivered by your institution to students in Bangladesh on any subject. We can also organise one-on-one or group interviews and counselling sessions.


£585 per counselling for 5 to 10 students at a time through Skype in the British Council office Dhaka

Education UK Facebook

Targeted and boosted Facebook posts


6540 followers. Reach 41,000-110,000 (of a possible maximum 63,000,000) over four posts.

Images / Content

£450 for 4 posts.

Third party website advertisement
Advertisement through Google Ad on third party websites.

6540 followers. Reach 41,000-110,000 (of a possible maximum 63,000,000) over four posts


Images / Content

Website advertisement:
Android Devices
LinkedIn. This will be a package which will run for one week prior to the event. Approximately £1000.  

British Council monthly e-newsletter

British Council Bangladesh's monthly e-newsletter is sent to over 10000 contacts which includes local agents, ministries, journalists, the education boards, UGC and other key stake holders
To subscribe to the e-newsletter please click here

Images & text within 500 characters with spaces. Link is preferable.    

£200 per e-newsletter

Subject to the availability of space


·  SIEM is happy to negotiate packages that meet the needs of our clients and to discuss options and benefits not listed above.

·  We will provide report on click through and page impressions to calculate ROIs on the campaign.

·  VAT will be added to all costs.

About British Council’s Services in International Education Marketing (SIEM)

British Council Services for International Education Marketing provides a comprehensive set of solutions, tailored to cater to UK educational institutions’ diverse international marketing needs. We provide:

• Flexible and creative solutions tailored for your institution in response to changing market demands in Bangladesh

• Offers and services to enhance your positioning, profile and competitiveness in Bangladesh

• Access to knowledgeable and expert staff with in-country experience and presence

• Boost your international student recruitment numbers in the Bangladesh market

• Consultancy towards developing partnership opportunities with Bangladeshi local Institutions

• Access to cutting edge research

• Bespoke business solutions towards your international agenda through various marketing offers and services as well as research, training, meetings and event


Contact information

Shegufta Ahmed

Project Coordinator- Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)


Digital offer-Bangladesh.pdf645.43 KB