Merchandise advertising

Why advertise on our merchandise?

Our merchandise helps potential customers find your institution – often before they are even looking to apply to an institution – and then turning that early awareness into brand preference and ultimately, into leads and conversion.

Who receives our merchandise?

Our contacts within the Ministry of Education, scholarship agencies, local public and private universities and colleges, student counsellors in public, private and international schools.

Merchandise specifications:

Calendar for the year 2013
a) Full colour print
b) Displays Malaysian national, state and school holidays
c) Size: 20cm height X 20cm width

Please refer to the attached file to view images of British Council Malaysia’s calendar.

a) Size: 210mm x 150mm
b) Pages include, Cover, 5 sheets of separators, 100 sheets of ruled paper
c) Finishing: laminated hard cover with wire-O binding
d) Front and back cover is reserved for British Council’s brand image

Action Required

Please refer to attached document for material / artwork specifications and the application form. As acceptance is on a first-come basis, please act early.