Marketing opportunity for Universities in Spain

Emagister is the leading education portal in Spain and a well-established company in the market for more than 16 years with presence in 14 countries. Their key markets are Latin-America (a key market which may see an increase of students to the UK following the USA election results and the recent signature of bilateral recognition agreements) and Europe (a market where an extra effort for visibility should be made to maintain current recruitment numbers) and have some presence in India, a market which has decreased for the UK while it increased greatly in the USA in recent years. Again, a trend which recent election results may reverse.

Apart from a very wide direct marketing offer, including:

- Google Adwords
- Facebook Ads
- eMail Marketing campaigns, internal and external database
- TV (la Sexta and Antena 3)
- Main newspaper in Spain (,, etc.)
- Main Job Portal (
where promotion is now essential due to political election in the USA (which together with the recent bilateral recognition agreements between the UK and various countries may attract students to the UK) and

Emagister proposal includes a very comprehensive services offer, including full follow up of all callers to their campaigns.

While Emagister has traditionally advertised short-course or non-regulated educational offer, they are now including some very prestigious local and international Universities within their clients. Feel free to contact them or contact Carolina Jiménez at SIEM conference in December for further details.

Action Required

If interested, get in touch with them or contact me at the SIEM conference in December for further details.

Name: Daniel Murillo - Designation Country Manager (UK); Email address:; Mobile number +34 617 11 39 39; Skype murillo_d