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Market Insights Study on UK-India collaborations in Education and Research

The British Council India on behalf of the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) Secretariat has commissioned a Market Insights Study of the bilateral opportunities for UK-India collaborations in Higher Education and Research. This study is being led by Technopolis Group, an independent policy research and consulting organisation. A central part of the study is gathering information and views from higher and further education institutions in the UK and India via an online survey.

Your participation in the survey will help gather evidence on the current status of international education and research collaborations in the UK and India, the appetite for future bilateral collaborations as well as what works well. Feedback provided by you will be treated in confidence and your involvement is entirely voluntary. I hope that you would be willing to take the time and share your experience by Wednesday, 20 January 2020, as your input would be most valuable in shaping the future of UK-India collaborations.

You can participate in the survey by clicking on the following link: https://www.research.net/r/9JDN2XW. The survey will take about 10 mins to complete. All responses and associated personal information will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with legislation on data protection.


Action Required

You can participate in the survey by clicking : https://www.research.net/r/9JDN2XW

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Technopolis project manager, Dr Anoushka Dave (anoushka.dave@technopolis-group.com).