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Launching the Education UK Certificate for Agents 2015, Bangladesh

The third session of the ‘Education UK Certificate for Agents (popularly known as the Global Agents Training) in Bangladesh will begin from the first week of April 2015. The main objective of the training is to enable agents and education consultants with up-to-date knowledge and information to promote UK education in the local market.

After the eight weeks long professional development training, each participant will be required to sit for an assessment and will be awarded a certificate of a validity of 2 years on successful completion of the training. Certified agents will also be listed on the Global Agents List . This website is accessed by students and influencers.

Aims and objectives of the training:
The eight-week training programme qualifies agents to effectively promote UK education and provide high-quality information, resources and services to potential international students in the local market. The course develops skills of finding appropriate information and to regularly update knowledge on the UK education sector. By providing guidance on the application process, researching for the right UK institutions as well as scholarships and visas, agents are instrumental in better preparing students for their experience in the UK.

The aim of the training programme is to develop agents’ knowledge on the following:
• The UK education and training system; courses and qualifications at each level.
• The attractions for students considering studying and living in the UK.
• Quality assurance mechanisms and how they operate.
• Student lifestyle issues – living costs, travel and accommodation.
• Course fees and scholarships.
• Welfare and support provided for international students in the UK.
• UK application procedures and standard entry requirements; visa and immigration regulations.
Along with other information resources developed by the British Council, the course will serve as a continuous source of support and professional knowledge development. This qualification by the British Council will represent a valued and recognised professional achievement.

Benefits of this training
Studying the course is beneficial in several ways. The certificate is recognised by the UK institutions, and it demonstrates to students and parents that agents have gained knowledge in the above areas. Furthermore, it will enable agents to access support more easily from the British Council globally and in the country in which they work.
*Please note that the certificate is awarded to the candidate undertaking the course, and not the agency in which the candidate is associated with.
Agents appear on the Global Agents List (GAL)
The Global Agents List (GAL), which features details of all certified agents over the last 2 years, will be publicly available, subject to the agents' consent. This will help students, parents and institutions find and work with British Council certified agents. The list will be available through SIEM and British Council Bangladesh website.

Important dates to note:
A briefing session for the training programme will be held on 1 April 2015.
Last date for submitting the required documents and expression of interest is 15 March 2015.
Eligibility criteria for Education UK Agents Training Certificate (Foundation Course)
The British Council Agent Training certificates are awarded to individuals (agents) and not businesses (agencies).
Agents are only eligible for the training if they meet the following conditions:
Own valid agreements with minimum 2 UK institutions that are either
- on the UKBA Register of Highly Trusted Sponsors
- or a British Council accredited Language School

Agents will be required to provide:
a scanned copy of the agreement with the UK institutions or a reference letter from representing UK institutions.
Registration fee
Registration fee per participant is BDT 28,000 (twenty eight thousand taka only).
Expression of Interest
Submit an expression of interest in the link http://bit.ly/Servicestoagents .
Agents will be informed after we have assessed them using the eligibility criteria mentioned above.

The training will be organised for the agents of UK institutions. You are requested to refer your agents in Bangladesh to attend the professional development training being organised by the British Council. This will enable your agents to deliver quality service by providing up to date information to the students who are willing to study in the UK.

Contact information:
M Jahir Uddin
Project Manager-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)
E: jahir.uddin@bd.britishcouncil.org

Sarker Asif Iqbal
Project Coordinator-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)
E : asif.iqbal@bd.britishcouncil.org

Shegufta Ahmed
Project Coordinator-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)
E : shegufta.ahmed@bd.britishcouncil.org

SIEM Southasia: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

British Council
5 Fuller Road
Dhaka 1000

T: + 88 09666 773377; +880 (2) 861 8905; F: +880 (2) 8613375

Action Required

The training will be organised for the agents of UK institutions. You are requested to refer your agents in Bangladesh to attend the professional development training being organised by the British Council. This will enable your agents to deliver quality service by providing up to date information to the students who are willing to study in the UK.

Contact information:
M Jahir Uddin
Project Manager-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)
E: jahir.uddin@bd.britishcouncil.org

Sarker Asif Iqbal
Project Coordinator-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)
E : asif.iqbal@bd.britishcouncil.org

Shegufta Ahmed
Project Coordinator-Services for International Education Marketing (SIEM)
E : shegufta.ahmed@bd.britishcouncil.org

SIEM Southasia: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

British Council
5 Fuller Road
Dhaka 1000

T: + 88 09666 773377; +880 (2) 861 8905; F: +880 (2) 8613375