Latest UK TNE data is now available for download

We are pleased to announce that the latest 2014-2015 UK TNE data is now available for download. 

Current subscribers with the permission to access the UK TNE data can simply sign in to access the latest UK TNE data until their current subscription packages expire on 31 March 2016. Information on subscription renewal is now available here.

For non-subscribing institutions which are interested in accessing the UK TNE data or other HESA data via our Higher Education Student data tool, please find out more about our 2016-17 subscription packages to secure an early access to the data and new market reports.

Action Required

For current Education Intelligence subscribers which are eligible for UK TNE data access, please follow the steps below to download the data sheet.

  • Visit your institution dashboard page by clicking the briefcase icon or the name of your institution on the home page
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the dashboard page and you should find a section called ‘Other Education Intelligence resources’
  • Click on the button ‘UK TNE data’ to download the data sheet

Should you encounter any problems please e-mail