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Latest UK further education data is now available to all Education Intelligence subscribers

2011-12 UK further education data is now available to download for all Education Intelligence subscribers. The data sheet consists of breakdown of FE student number in different regions in the UK.

Starting with 2011/12 data, the Data Service for England FE no longer is able to provide the same database as in previous years. Only the filter on funding models for 16-18 learner responsive and adult learner responsive funding models was applied to the 2011/12 England FE data. Thus, it does not correlate exactly with the figures in previous years. More information on the definitions of the funding models can be accessed via the URLs below.


http://www.theia.org.uk/NR/rdonlyres/108B67A4-B90B-4367-8240-C6CF4BDAB9CC/0/singleILRSpecification2011_12v4_03Oct2011.pdf (p.79, Funding models definition)

Action Required

For institutions which possess a valid Education Intelligence subscription package, please download the spreadsheet in your institution dashboard after login.

There is a section called "Other Education Intelligence Resources" in your institution dashboard where you can find the button to download the spreadsheet you require.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact ei.support@britishcouncil.org.hk.