Latest TNE data is now available.

The latest TNE data (2012-13) is now available to all institutions possessing a valid Education Intelligence subscription. The information consisted of the type of provision and the level of qualification for offshore courses offered by all UK institutions.

Furthermore Education Intelligence is currently finalising the data mapping in order to release the latest HESA statistics through our Higher Education Student data tool. The process will take approximately one to two weeks. We will make further announcement when the update of the data tool is ready.

Note: Access to the Higher Education Student data tool and UK TNE data is limited to UK higher education institutions that report their student numbers to HESA, regardless of subscription.

Action Required

Institutions which possess a valid Education Intelligence annual subscription can simply enter your institution dashboard by clicking on the briefcase icon on the home page to download the UK TNE data under 'Other Education Intelligence Resources'.

The TNE data is just one of the many resources you can access through your annual subscription package. For more details about the vast range of information available with an Education Intelligence subscription, please click here.

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