Kuwait UK - Alumni Network Reception invitation

British Council in partnership with the Kuwait British Business Centre is hosting a reception dinner for Kuwait - UK Alumni. We would like to encourage Institutions to promote and extend this invitation to their Alumni from Kuwait.

Join British Council & Kuwait British Business Centre for an inspiring panel discussion on the topic of "Entrepreneurship, taught or inherited?" with the focus on the skills gained from a UK higher education. Guest panellist: The Rt Hon Lord Mayor of London and Lord Marland of Odstock.

Action Required

Please feel free to forward the information to Kuwait UK alumni and ask them to register to the network before they RSVP

Kindly note that the seats are limited and RSVP is necessary. Please RSVP to eventskw@kw.britishcouncil.org by 23rd November, 2016.

November 28 from 7 to 9.30 pm
Chairman's Club
56 Floor
Khalid Bin Al Waleed St
Kuwait City