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Join us at World Education Fair 2019 in Iasi, Timisoara, and Constanta

World Education Fair Fall Edition 2019 is organised by IntegralEdu – number 1 consultant for studies abroad in Romania – to help young people get the right information about new opportunities for university, college and school education from the UK, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, among other countries.

Besides the main exhibition in Bucharest 28 – 29 September, World Education Fair will tour three additional cities: Iasi 27 September, Timisoara 30 September, and Constanta 2 October.

Participation fees: 

  • EURO 1,690 (+VAT) for Iasi
  • EURO 1,690 (+VAT) for Timisoara (this event cannot be booked separately)
  • EURO 1,590 (+VAT) for Constanta (this event cannot be booked separately)

Registration deadline: Friday 20 September 2019.

Please note that these three events are included in the programme of World Education Romania. See also World Education Fair – Bucharest 28 – 29 September.

Action Required

Please contact Anamaria Papp (IntegralEdu Partner Relations Manager for Romania) for further information and to register, copying in Gabriel Ivan.