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Invitation to submit Newton-Moshara Fund proposals for Egyptian and UK researchers

The British Council and the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund are pleased to announce two funding opportunities for UK researchers under the Newton-Mosharafa Fund:

Institutional Links: UK researchers are invited to apply for grants of £50,000-300,000 to support joint research and innovation projects with Egyptian partners. For more details, and to apply, see here https://www.britishcouncil.org/education/science/current-opportunities/n...

Researcher Links workshops: UK researchers are invited to apply for grants to support bilateral workshops. The workshops are aimed at early career researchers from the UK and Egypt, and will allow the participants to exchange knowledge and research, and develop partnership. For more details, and to apply, please see here

The Newton-Mosharafa Fund is a five year £24m UK-Egypt partnership to support collaboration on science, research and innovation.

Action Required

Deadline: 27 June 2016
For further information, please visit:

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British Council
192 El Nil Street, Agouza, Cairo
+2 (02) 19789