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Invitation to join a meeting in London with the Tunisian British Chamber of Commerce

The Lord Mayor of London invited members of the Tunisian British Chamber of Commerce to the UK during his recent visit to Tunisia. During their visit, they will be holding a meeting on 27 September 0900-1200 at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (Locarno room), King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH.

The delegation which will be led by a Tunisian Minister (name to be confirmed) will include:
- Mr Mehdi Ben Abdallah- President of the Chamber (from Shell)
- Mr Hassine Doghri – Honorary President (from La Carte Insurance Company)
- Noureddine Hajji – 1st Vice President (Ernst & Young)
- Abdessalem Loued – 2nd Vice President
- Ali Hjaiej - Secretary General
- Mohamed Ali Aboudi, Member
- Mr Mohamed Dammak, President – TIME université (Private university)
- Mr Slah Ben Turkia, Président, Université Centrale (Private university)

The main purpose of the meeting will be to introduce Tunisian business people and educators to representatives from the business and education sectors in the UK.

The aim of the presence of Tunisian universities is to create collaboration and exchange opportunities between Tunisian/British universities. Areas of collaboration could include:
- Opening a branch of a UK university in Tunisia.
- Links between both parties in a variety of disciplines (science, humanities, engineering, etc..)
- Exchange of experience and expertise in quality assurance, accreditation, career development centre management, UK qualifications, PhD studies, scholarships availability, guest speakers, access to UK education.

Action Required

If you would like to attend the meeting, please email Mohamed Ali Aboudi at mohamedali.aboudi@maapcommunication.com