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International Skills Partnerships – new funded opportunities. Call for applications now open.

International skills partnerships
International Skills Partnerships are an innovative way of addressing skills and employability challenges.
They bring together organisations from the UK and overseas with similar priorities to share their knowledge and expertise and devise new approaches to skills development.
The partnerships:
• develop and pilot new, improved approaches to vocational training for people in the UK and overseas
• motivate and develop your staff
• enrich your organisational culture
• raise your organisation’s profile in the UK and overseas
• build an international network
• create new international business opportunities.

Current Opportunities
The British Council is pleased to announce a number of exciting funded opportunities for organisations in the UK skills sector to develop a foundation partnership project with organisations in Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa with the option to register interest for future opportunities.

Action Required

Our application portal is now open and will close on Thursday, 19 October 2017. For more information about the programme and how to apply please visit our website.

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