Inclusion of refugees in TVET research consultancy opportunity

We are pleased to announce our research consultancy opportunity on inclusion of refugees in TVET is now open for applications.

We have observed that in many countries where we work, governments and donors are increasingly interested in addressing barriers to lifelong learning and access to employment for refugees and asylum seekers as part of their technical and vocational education and training (TVET) reform agendas.

The primary objective of this research is to identify and provide an analysis of examples of good practice of including and retaining refugees in skills and TVET programmes to obtain successful learning outcomes and progress to further learning or employment. Countries included within the study are Ethiopia, Jordan, South Africa, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

Research will look to analyse and compare planning, funding and delivery of technical vocational education and training in relation to refugees. The research should look at the system, institutional and practitioner perspective. The focus will be on TVET and skills development interventions which support the employability and employment of adults aged 16 and over. The examples will provide a useful body of knowledge for British Council to draw on when planning and designing interventions to support the reform of education and training. Support for the successful researcher or research team will be available in all countries through British Council’s network of offices.

Action Required

Please download and complete the attached documents and submit to by 6 November 2017 17:00 (GMT)