GREAT Talks - India

GREAT Talk series aims to positively impact prospective Indian students, key influencers like parents, education consultants, counsellors and business groups to understand the value of a UK education. Speakers of GREAT talk series will showcase attractiveness of the UK as a place to live, study, work and enjoy the multicultural & diverse nature of the country.

Prominent personalities from the UK will inspire Indian students from their life experiences of studying and living in the UK. Their experiences will encourage Indian students choosing the UK for world-class Education and also to gain international exposure, benefit from excellent teaching and facilities and choose their dream career path.

Inviting Inspiring & influential speakers and Nobel laureates from UK institutions to deliver these talks.

For further information, contact Shruti Khanna at

Action Required

For UK institutions:
We request UK institutions to nominate speakers and Nobel laureates to deliver GREAT Talks in India. You may send an email with the speakers profile with the most appropriate topics as per speakers background and interest by email to Shruti Khanna at

For further information, contact