GREAT Scholarships initiative for India

About the GREAT campaign: The GREAT Britain campaign is the Government’s most ambitious international marketing campaign and showcases the very best of what Britain has to offer in order to encourage the world to visit, study and do business with the UK. It supports the Prime Minister’s ‘global race for growth’ and Olympic Legacy programme. The campaign is currently active in over 86 countries. Unifying the international growth promotion efforts of UK Trade & Investment, VisitBritain, British Council and FCO, GREAT aims to deliver significant and long-term increases in trade, tourism, education and inward investment in support of HMG’s prosperity and growth agenda.

GREAT Scholarships - India, is a joint programme part funded through GREAT funds and part funded through contributions made by UK Higher Education Institutions. The purpose of the GREAT Scholarship programme is to improve brand UK perception in the Indian market with a goal to significantly increase the number of students choosing to study in UK.
These scholarships shall be launched initially during the November Education UK India exhibition and then again at the February exhibition, we expect significant media interest around this campaign and our partner universities.

Action Required

Should your institution be interested in partnering with us in this initiative please find enclosed the bidding form for the ‘GREAT Scholarship – India’.

We plan to launch the GREAT Scholarship scheme at the November Exhibition and we are therefore requesting you to complete this form and return to us by 14 October 2013

For any enquiries, please contact Mukhlis Shafi on