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Grants to teach in Spain, for recently graduated native English speakers

Grants for English native speakers who have recently graduated from university, to teach in private schools in the autonomous community of Navarra  or Madrid (Spain) as assistant teacher (of English or in English) to students of four to 17 years old.  Successful candidates will live in Spain for eight or nine months with living expenses covered  by the grant ( of up to 800 euros/month or the equivalent).  Applicants must have graduated in the last four years (a degree in Education is preferred) or be just about to graduate.  They must have no previous work experience as a teacher in a school.

Action Required

Please make this information available to your students, particularly to language (Spanish) students. For more information, please email upteach@upinternationaleducation.com or call  +34 637305233.

Applications can be done via www.upteachinspain.com.