Goa Education Trust (GET) Scholarships 2016

The Goa Education Trust (GET) Scholarships 2016 are open to any Indian national applying for a Master’s Programme in the UK beginning in September/October 2016.

Students with an excellent track record in academics and extra- curricular achievements, and not over 30 years of age will be eligible to apply. The GET Scholarships 2016 will fund young Indians to pursue a Master’s in the UK and will cover part or full tuition fees not exceeding GBP 12500. There are no restrictions on courses of study or university, all universities are encouraged to promote it to Master’s applicants from India.

Detailed eligibility criteria and process for application can be viewed at - https://www.britishcouncil.in/study-uk/scholarships/goa-education-trust-scholarships

The application deadline is 15 May 2016. 

For any further information about the scholarships , please contact Ms Nikita Desai 

Action Required

The application deadline is 15 May 2016. Please do not forward this directly to your students but instead please send the link by email to all Indian students that are applying to study at your institution.

For any further information about the scholarships , please contact Ms Nikita Desai