Global learning in the curriculum - booking now open

Youth climate strikes, populist politics, and intractable global tensions indicate there has never been a greater need to support young people to get to grips with the world around them.

The Council for Subject Associations and the British Council are working in partnership to highlight, explore and develop global learning in the curriculum. This phase of the collaboration will culminate in a unique conference on Friday 18 October 2019.

During the day we will share knowledge about global learning and look at how it can be taught within and across multiple subject disciplines in a range of case studies, including examples from the Geographical Association, the Design and Technology Association, as well as leading practitioners. There will be plenty of participatory workshops; and practical sessions will provide useful tips and tools to inspire you to progress global learning in your subject area.

The conference is aimed at leaders of subject associations but is open to anyone from your organisation who may wish to attend. In the first instance there are 3 spaces available per organisation. There is no cost to attend and catering will be provided.

Young people are challenging the education establishment to respond to global crises. We are responding. Come and join the conversation on 18 October 2019 at the British Council in London.

Conference details: 

Friday 18 October 2019

British Council, 10 Spring Gardens, London, SW1A 2BN

Action Required