Gender Consultant - Request for Proposal - UK Russia

Request for proposal for a gender consultant to support for UK Russia Projects Creative Bridges and University Alliance. All activities to be completed virtually, with no travel so no restrictions on locations.

UK – Russia Creative Bridge 2020-21 is a professional development programme that aims to connect cultural professionals and artists in Russia and the UK and create new opportunities for both individuals and cultural institutions that desire to work with the UK arts sector. UK – Russia Creative Bridge 2020-21 is a programme of activities designed to offer individual bursaries to Russian cultural professionals, to create networking opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue and exchange, to support long-term partnerships between the UK and Russian cultural organisations through collaborative projects, and to foster links between the UK and Russian creative education institutions.UK – Russia Creative Bridge 2020-21 is delivered by the British Council, operating in Russia as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Moscow, in partnership with a number of Russian cultural institutions, with funding from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It builds on the legacy of the Future Culture programme that was delivered in 2017-2020.

University Alliance is a project to engage Russia's top 50 universities and connect 95 of the next generation of Russia's science leaders with the UK by expanding partnership and professional development opportunities (And providing a platform for longer term ambitions of engaging universities and researchers). This will be achieved by supporting 25-30 Early Career Researchers, allocating three partnership grants and holding five policy forums and thematic events, with one focused on Women in Science.

Action Required

Action: send proposals by 24 November to Camilla Rous /
Clarification questions - please contact Camilla Rous