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Free Study UK online course for education agents and counsellors

Our free online course all about studying in the UK – Study UK: a guide for education agents and counsellors official starts on Monday 12 March 2018.  However, people have up until Friday 30 March to join and three weeks from their start date to then complete the course.

It follows the journey of a student from their first decision to study, through to the support they need while living and studying in the UK.

Benefits of taking part

It will be an opportunity for learners to:

  • join an online community and access lots of free resources and guidance to help with promotional activities
  • interact with others and share expertise whilst learning
  • learn with the British Council. The course is led by Helen Obaje, Professional Development Manager at the British Council.

Open to everyone

Even though the course is designed primarily for those counselling students looking to study in the UK, anyone interested in the UK as study destination will find it useful.

Action Required

Please promote this course to your contacts and education agents.

We have produced a promotional toolkit which contains:

  • sample social media content
  • frequently asked questions
  • assets
  • press release.

This course is free and open to all – university staff are encouraged to take the course


For further information, please contact: Helen.Obaje@britishcouncil.org (Professional Development Manager Agents, British Council).