Free Marketing Opportunity in El Pais Formación - SPAIN

El Pais Formación is a new on-line educational resource launched by El Pais, the largest Editorial and Press Group in Spain. British Council worked out that a piece about UK Education has been the most visited page in the whole site, with over 60,000 unique readers in only 2 weeks (and still going on) - Other topics which may be of interest to them: the variety of UK degree qualifications (as compared with a very rigid set of programmes in Spain), the options offered by FE, the programme of apprenticeships, "a year abroad" option for school children, etc. There may also be interest in writing an article about interesting hybrid degrees (for example, the degrees offered by UCFB are unique and there is no similar offer in Spain but a degree that mixes law with geology, for example, would be of interest too).

This is an excellent promotional and free opportunity for UK HE institutions.

An invented example:
Degree in Law and Geology - duration: 3 years - cost: £9000 (web link if available)
Key Subjects: International Relations, Earth Studies & Law (including international law)
Students are likely to work for World Bank, Unesco or Private international firms defending international matters related to the environment, fishing, other.
Offered by University of XXX - a brief paragraph highlighting strengths.

Ana Torres (the journalist who wrote the previous article and will write this one too) will select 7-10 of the proposals. She will look for those degrees which she considers most appealing and/or rare-unique to the Spanish Audiences.

Thanks for your support and let's hope to hit the press! I hope we will, once again, be the article that reaches largest audiences so that she comes back to us for further articles.

Carolina Jiménez
Education Spain

Action Required

Please send a brief outline with the information below to, no later than 6 January 2015:
If you are interested, you need to send a brief outline with the information below to, no later than 6 January 2015:

Name of your institution
Name of the programme of study (duration and costs)
Reasons why the programme was created (by demand? or what?) and employability of such a programme
A brief paragraph about your institution (location, premises, student cultural life or anything you want to highlight)