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A flexible solution for English language assessment from the British Council

If your institution is looking for a cost-effective flexible English language assessment solution then the British Council’s Aptis test could be the answer. Developed by leading experts in the field of language testing, Aptis has been used extensively by universities and schools overseas, and blue-chip clients, including Glaxo-Smithline, Save the Children, KPMG and Australian Aid, since 2012 and is now being launched in the UK.
A unique feature of Aptis is its flexibility. The test is administered online via a secure platform and, although the partner is required to manage delivery, the British Council provides full administrative and technical support. The test combines a core grammar and vocabulary component with one or more language skills components - listening, reading, speaking and writing. Unlike many other tests candidates only take the particular skills modules that they need.
Results are ready within a maximum of 48 hours and candidates receive a British Council certificate stating their English level according to the CEFR. Aptis can be used to place students onto a course, to measure English study success and/or to identify language learning needs and skills gaps. Candidates can also use the certificates to support job and study applications.

Action Required

For more information on Aptis and other English language assessment products, and to discuss how the British Council can best meet your testing needs, please check out the links below or contact Philip Rylah, Head of UK Exams, British Council UK at philip.rylah@britishcouncil.org

General information:


Videos and demos (link to a demo test from each skills page)
