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Extended free trial period of Education Intelligence: Interactive Access

Based on customer feedback Education Intelligence has modified the tool sign-in system   to make it more compatible with different network configurations. Thus we are pleased to extend the exclusive free trial period offer to UK institutions until Friday 28 February 2014. 

To access this free trial, simply click on the hyperlink “Education Intelligence: Interactive Access” on the home page or your institution page and you will be directed to a page where you can find your unique login username and password. Please refer to the enclosed step-by-step guide if you experience any problems.

Action Required

Continue using Interactive Access after the free trial

We are pleased to offer continuous use of Education Intelligence: Interactive Access to HE institutions with an Advanced or Unlimited Education Intelligence annual subscription package in 2014/15.

In 2014/15, we are also offering the tool to the FE, Skills & Schools subscription package which is  available to further education colleges, post-16 colleges and schools in the UK.

Please e-mail EI.support@britishcouncil.org.hk with enquiries or contact one of our UK-based SIEM account managers for additional information.