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  • Expressions of interest sought: School consultancy contract in Morocco

Expressions of interest sought: School consultancy contract in Morocco

OCP (Office Cherifien de Phosphates) is one of the largest phosphate and fertilizer companies in the world. It is based in Morocco and delivers products to more than 165 clients on five continents. It has a turnover of US$ 6.5 billion, employs 20,000 people, and is engaged in a large-scale US$ 12 billion investment programme over the next five years to expand capacity downstream.

OCP are looking to set up a new, academically selective boarding school in Morocco, based on the UK boarding school model. They are seeking a consultant from a UK school to do a feasibility study for this project.

They are looking for a candidate to who can advise on:
• Suitability and implementation of boarding models in Morocco, including weekly boarding
• Administration of scholarships
• Marketing to a country-wide audience
• Academic excellence and pastoral care

Action Required

To express interest in this opportunity please contact francine.torbett@mobile.ukti.gov.uk with brief details of how you meet the criteria. The closing date for this opportunity is 3 December 2014.