Evaluation consultancy for New Ukrainian School project

This is a four-month opportunity for a UK institution or individual with a track record and expertise in designing and delivering evaluation for the project preferably in the area of secondary school education.

The evaluation should assess how effectively the teachers’ professional development model was introduced and implemented throughout the project; identify factors that supported or hindered its success; explore project results and their impact on teaching English in primary schools (grade 1-4) in Ukraine; explore how sustainable the projects results are; as well as define key learnings and provide recommendations or any improvement for further implementation.

The consultancy will include writing an Inception Report, designing evaluation data collection tools and instruments with guidance, delivering online workshop for local researchers, updating the project Theory of Change and Results Framework, producing Evaluation Report and present the evaluation findings and Theory of Change online.

Due to the Covid19 and possible travel restrictions, it is expected that the whole consultancy will be delivered online. In country logistics will be provided by the British Council team and local researchers. This is an opportunity for the period of December 2020 until March 2021 with a possibility of extension.

A UK institution or individual with proven track record and expertise in carrying out evaluation preferably in school education projects both face-to-face and online; understanding of the local education context and/or previous experience of working oversees or in post-soviet countries; ability to work as part of a remote team.

Action Required

All documents required as part of your tender response should be submitted for the attention of Zhanna Sevastianova  zhanna.sevastianova@britishcouncil.org.ua  with the subject NUS evaluation by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section of this RFP.

Response Deadline of 20 December 17:00 GMT