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European College of Cluny Summer Workshop: What’s going on with democracy in your corner of the world?

In the course of five days in July, the European College of Cluny workshop presents a unique opportunity for approximately 50 participants from all over Europe and beyond to share their thoughts, ideas and perceptions of Europe and key issues of the day, such as democracy.

In this perspective, the seminar of the College of Cluny is a result of more than 15 years of experience by having already welcomed over 800 European and non-European citizens from around 50 different countries.

2017 Topic

What’s going on with democracy in your corner of the world ?

Along this topic, you will discuss one of the most important questions of today’s societies: “the challenge of democracy”, its current state and its perspectives, by taking up the issues of local democracy in a European context.
You will have the opportunity to meet and exchange with politicians (local elected officials, regional officials, experts, …) at the local and the European level.


From Thursday 5th July to Tuesday 11th 2017

The Workshop officially opens on Wednesday 5th July at  6 pm (reception from 12 am on) ; departure is on Tuesday 11 July in the morning.
As an option, we will offer the possibility for 10 participants to extend their stay in order to participate in the Summer School of Territorial Public Innovation held by the National Centre for Territorial Public Service (CNFPT) from 10th July to 12th July as a European witness and as a resource person (without any further charges, selection is based on motivation). The participants will work on the challenges proposed by the French regional authorities (house of democratic innovation, “zero net energy” territory, bus of “social interaction”, start-ups, …).

Working language : French and English

Communication is essentially bilingual, but for certain parts of the programme French or English will be used more frequently. The understanding of both languages is necessary and for that reason a minimum level of B2 in French or in English is expected (minimum B1 for the other language). By immersing yourself in the workshop, you will be able to improve your communication skills in both languages. Nevertheless, be aware that the workshop is not a language class!

Action Required

Please see more information and register here: http://collegecluny.eu/en/appel-a-candidatures/