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  • Ethiopian Airlines are looking for a potential partnership with a UK University

Ethiopian Airlines are looking for a potential partnership with a UK University

The partnership work could include defining the programme, curriculum development and accreditation up to course delivery.

The type of partnership is subject for discussion but a joint venture (dual degree program) could be just one model for consideration. EAA have a newly established and well equipped aviation academy with a strong presence in African aviation as well as seasoned aviators that could be harnessed with the partner’s strength to develop a very good MBA program in Aviation.

As the above suggested partnership programme might take some time before its effectiveness, there is also an immediate need to train 22 managers in ready-made MBA program that can be taken as additional offer within the partnership agreement.

Furthermore, the potential target market is not only Ethiopia but Africa and possibly the Middle East.

Action Required

Interested Universities may contact the Managing Director using the below contact details.

Samuel Assefa Zewde
Managing Director Ethiopian Aviation Academy
Ethiopian Airlines, Headquarters, Bole International Airport
Tel: (251-011) 5178129, Cell: (251-911) 24 76 32, Fax: (251-011) 661 1474
SamuelA@ethiopianairlines.com, http://www.ethiopianairlines.com/