Erasmus+ KA101 programme opportunity

The Regional Ministry of Education in Castilla-La Mancha (SPAIN) is working in an Erasmus+ Consortium for KA101 School Education which includes 10 schools (4 Infant and Primary schools with children from 3 to 12 years old + 2 Rural Infant and Primary Schools + 4 High or Secondary Schools with children from 12 to 18 years old).   They are looking for UK schools interested in receiving teachers for job shadowing (20 teachers) or training courses (30 teachers).  

The project includes elements for schools to achieve the following objectives: 

  1. To foster internationalization of the Project through the participation and collaboration in European Programmes such as eTwinning or Erasmus+ (ka2 in the future).
  2. Linguistic and methodological improvement and providing a better quality of education.
    • To participate in Bilingual Programmes and offer CLIL teaching. (in English)
    • To apply active methodologies in the class (project based learning, flipped classroom, etc.)
    • To observe and adquire new models of teaching and learning
  3. Better integration methodologies and attention to diversity: To develop different strategies to attend to diversity and foster integration.
  4. To develop capacities in teachers for better engagement with students and achieve better motivation as well as development of soft skills such as negotiation, delegation, time management, personal interaction, communication, problem solving and public presentations.

The programme includes 50 mobilities: 20 of these for job shadowing and 30 for training.

Schools interested in receiving teachers on job-shadowing or for training, should get in touch with

Action Required

The programme includes 50 mobilities: 20 of these for job shadowing and 30 for training.

Schools interested in receiving teachers on job-shadowing or for training, should get in touch with