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EOI for Emerging Market Campaign Pakistan: Promoting UK’s Undergraduate Offer

British Council Pakistan is organising a UG mission across schools in Punjab and the Northern region for students interested in studying in the UK. This provides UK institutions an opportunity to meet students from key schools along with students of other local schools who will be invited to attend the exhibition at the host institute.

Why should you register for this event?
This mission has been designed to provide UK institutions the opportunity to recruit students to their UG courses as well as to extend their brand presence and create awareness across a larger student population by tapping student potential across T2 cities.

Benefits for participating UK institutions:
1. Showcase your institution’s excellence in undergraduate courses and position the UK as the first choice for international education
2. Opportunity to explore recruitment leads for future enrolments at the undergraduate level
3. Opportunity to create awareness about your institution and courses on offer
4. Face-to-face interaction with students and influencers to provide information on studying in the UK
5. Opportunity to explore links with leading local schools and first-hand understanding on international collaborations with local institutes

The chosen cities and schools have shown keen interest from students in pursuing UK education and welcome UK institutions to interact and counsel students on opportunities of higher studies in the UK. Punjab and North regions of Pakistan have more than 50,000 schools in over 70 cities.
EMC Punjab organised in September 2013, hosted a delegation from 12 UK institutions to 6 schools in 4 cities in Punjab: Sialkot, Faisalabad, Multan and Bahawalpur. It received very strong feedback and resulted in launching EMC North as well.

Please review attached EOI for participation details.

Action Required

Submit your interest to:

Saman Imtiaz (Head SIEM) saman.imtiaz@britishcouncil.org.pk
Ayesha Zaheer (Manager SIEM, Punjab) ayesha.zaheer@britishcouncil.org.pk
Maharoop Sheri (Manager SIEM, Sindh & Baluchistan) maharoop.sheri@britishcouncil.org.pk
CC: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org

Submit your interest latest by 15 June 2015. Register now.

EMC 2013_Report.pdf362.57 KB
EOI_EMC 2016_PAKISTAN.pdf98.22 KB