Education UK Magazine 2015

The Education UK Magazine is an annual publication by British Council SIEM Pakistan.
It provides latest information on the emerging trends in education, internationalising education, holistic information on career counselling and other topics student influencers need to know about UK education. It also contains success stories and interviews of UK Alumni.

A few stories from this year's publication include:
- Student Visa Requirements
- Preparing Students for Education in the UK
- English For Impact
- British Alumni Association of Pakistan (BAAP)
- MOOCS: Widening Access to Knowledge
- Benefits of Research Partnerships
- Alumni Testimonials
- The Corporate Initiative Employers' Fair, success stories

Target Audience & Circulation:
10,000 copies of the publication are distributed to educational institutes both schools and HE sector. The circulation is also distributed at EUK events and sent to major libraries across the country.
The target audience of this magazine is career advisors, educationists and students.

The EOI of the Education UK Magazine 2016 will be released soon; UK institutions will have the option to place adverts or advertorials in this annual publication; providing advertised institutions with direct visibility among prospective applicants and direct influencers.

This year's 'Education UK Magazine 2015' issue has been published and can be downloaded for view from the below attachment.

Action Required

To contact the SIEM Pakistan team, please get in touch with Saman Imtiaz, Head SIEM, Pakistan at

Education UK magazine 2015.pdf7.18 MB