Education UK Alumni Award 2015

The British Council seeks to partner with all UK Higher Education Institutions to celebrate and honour their international alumni who have gone onto great success.  The Education UK Alumni Awards will honour the outstanding achievements made by professionals, entrepreneurs and community leaders who can demonstrate how their UK education has impacted on their success.

The British Council will celebrate finalists and their institutions at in-country gala award ceremonies attended by leaders from government, industry and education as well as other outstanding alumni. Each winner will receive a free return trip to the UK, including a tailored programme in the industry of their choice to enhance their professional knowledge and networks.

The awards are open to international alumni from India, Mainland China and the USA, who have returned home in the previous 10 years, following the completion of their higher education studies in the UK.

The British Council will work closely with your university Alumni/Development office to select the very best alumni to represent the internationalisation of your institution.  Winners and finalists will be globally recognised, and inspire the next generation of students to consider the UK as their study destination of choice.

Action Required

Applications open 22 September 2014, and close 24 November 2014. Winners will be announced March 2015. For full details contact your alumni office, or visit our website open 22 September 2014, and close 24 November 2014.

Winners will be announced March 2015.

For full details contact your alumni office, or visit our website