East Asia Day in the UK - Getting insights into the region

There are currently over 150,000 students from East Asia studying in the UK. 27 per cent of international students studying at higher education in the UK are from East Asia. Join us for the EAST ASIA DAY in the UK in order to understand the current market trends and learn more about the upcoming opportunities and services in East Asia, one of the major markets in terms of international student recruitment and global collaboration in international education.

British Council SIEM East Asia team invites representatives from UK institutions to participate in the East Asia Day networking day to get the most up-to-date market insights into the region.

Date: Tuesday 18 September 2012
Venue: Institute of Education, London (Jeffrey Hall 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL)
Target Audience: representatives from UK institutions (all sectors)
Participation fee: GBP100 per pax inclusive of lunch (exclusive of VAT)
Registration :  http://ihe.britishcouncil.org/east-asia-day-registration









Welcome and opening

Jazreel Goh, East Asia Regional Business Development Director (SIEM)


Overview of current market trends across East Asia countries 

Jazreel Goh, East Asia Regional Business Development Director (SIEM)
Ed Mackie, Regional Manager East Asia and Australasia, UKBA


New opportunities or not? – Myanmar

Jazreel Goh, East Asia Regional Business Development Director (SIEM)
Elizabeth Shepherd, Head Research, Education Intelligence


A quick snapshots of upcoming opportunities and services for SIEM

Education Intelligence – new reports and data visualisation

Jazreel Goh, East Asia Regional Business Development Director (SIEM)
Elizabeth Shepherd, Head Research, Education Intelligence


Panel Q&A



Networking lunch

Representatives from UK institutions and BC colleagues from East Asia countries


Action Required

If you are interested in joining the event, please complete the online registration.

We will email the invoice and payment instructions to you after your registration is confirmed.