EAIE Geneva 2018

Dear EAIE British exhibitor,

At EAIE BC colleagues and many other UK exhibitors discussed the need to better coordinate UK presence to maximise visibility for the UK while maintaining the freedom of each institution to contract an area or join Study in Wales, Study in Scotland, Study UK.

The proposal is simple: all UK institutions in agreement to be located together. Visibility of the UK enhanced through a roof signage (estimated at around £8-10,000 including production and hanging) and stickers in all stands. Finally, to list all institions under the UK, Scotland, Wales, etc. providing a real image of the huge presence of UK institutions. A much bigger impact for the UK at for very little extra cost (£40 per sticker + £40 per square meter for the roof signage - ie £360 for a 9sqm stand).

Kerstin Meyer, Project Coordinator (EAIE) agrees to support this idea but says that “In general, the sooner we receive the booking, the better we can accommodate your wishes. However, it would be great if we could receive a first list with indications of stand sizes by end of October and inform us if there are any exhibitors whose participation in the UK area is still outstanding or unclear, so we can plan them in. Please note that a stand can only be regarded as booked once we receive the booking form and confirm the booking by email”. Basically, this means that we should try to book our stands asap and confirm whether the idea above is of interest no later than 31 October 2017.

Disclaimer: should no sufficient interest be gathered from institutions by end of October, we will be unable to take this proposal forward.

Action Required

If you agree with this way forward, and you will be booking a space with EAIE either for your institution or for Study in Wales, Study in Scotland, please:
a. Inform EAIE that you want to book for Geneva before 31 October (send e-mail to kerstin.meyer@icwe.net and eaie@icwe.net). Ensure that you mention your interest to be near the Study UK area. Formalize booking asap.
b. Send the attached form of commitment to the British Council by 31 October (please send this to carolina.jimenez@britishcoucil.org )

If you plan to book a space jointly with Study in Wales, Study in Scotland or Study UK, no action is needed (other than ensuring you book your space with them in due course).