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  • DSK International Campus, Pune is seeking collaborations with UK institutions

DSK International Campus, Pune is seeking collaborations with UK institutions

DSK International campus is a joint venture between DSK group and RUBIKA group in France established in the year 2007. 

The institutions innovative pedagogy focuses on practical learning by trainers  with international global industry experience.  DSK campus has four main departments i.e. Design , Animation , Video Gaming and Fashion design and it offers courses in

1. Industrial Design (Product, Transport and Digital)

2. Video Games (Design, Art and Programming)

3. Animation

These courses are 5 year duration programs take up by students after completion of 12th Grade.

At the moment the institution has a tie up with the French government and its academic alliance partners. The institutions are looking to expand their programmes and are looking for tie-ups with UK Institutions:

The institution is looking for discussions and collaborations in the areas outlined below:

1. Faculty exchange program

2. Student exchange program

3. Course Validation

4. Course completion in UK - last semester 

Under the Design courses the institution would like to collaborate in their ‘Fashion Design 3 year under graduate program’ and in the ‘1 year integrated post graduate program on 'Interaction design’.



Action Required

For any further information , or to send in your expression of interest for collaborating with the DSK International campus, please write to Ms Shruti Khanna or:

Mr. Ninad Panse
CEO, DSK International campus
M: +91 9552569551
T: +91 2066784310
E: ninad.panse@dskic.in