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Discover, create, innovate: Share your news stories with students worldwide via Education UK

Is your university or college carrying out exciting, innovative research? Are your students and staff developing creative new ideas and making discoveries that could change the world?

Education UK is looking for news stories from universities, colleges and schools to feature in our new ‘Discover, Create, Innovate’ section http://www.educationuk.org/global/sub/discover-create-innovate/. Find out more below.

What is the aim of this project?

We want to inspire students worldwide to choose a UK education by showing them that the UK is a leader in research, creativity and innovation. There are lots of facts and stats to demonstrate this… see here for examples http://www.educationuk.org/global/articles/uk-research-opportunities/.... but we want to bring this to life via your stories and show students how this will benefit them.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for stories about how your institution and your students are developing ground-breaking research, creative projects and innovations. We are especially interested in stories where international students have been involved in discoveries or research in some way, and where they are happy to be interviewed as part of the article.  

Stories could include…

·         University x develops new eco-friendly car fuel

·         X college fashion show a triumph at London Fashion Week

·         School of x discover vital new clue in cancer prevention

Please see our website for examples: http://www.educationuk.org/global/sub/discover-create-innovate/

We will aim to publish several stories each week. We will select stories with strong international appeal. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to publish all stories, but we will try to reflect the diversity of UK universities and colleges and feature new institutions each week.

About Education UK

The Education UK website (www.educationuk.org) is for international students who are thinking of studying in the UK. They can search the site for courses, scholarships, and find out about life in the UK. Each year, more than 600,000 students worldwide come to the UK to do an English language course, and a further 500,000 come for their university or school education. At present, we receive more than 2.2 m visitors each year, and numbers are steadily rising, so this is a great chance for you to connect with students worldwide.

Keep in touch with Education UK

We will push these stories out through our social media channels. Please join:

Education UK on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EducationUK.BritishCouncil

Knowledge is GREAT on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KnowledgeisGREATBritain

Education UK on Twitter https://twitter.com/EducationUK

We look forward to hearing your news stories!

Action Required

How to submit your articles

Please email educationuk.marketing@britishcouncil.org with following information:

-       A press release-style description of the story

-       Contact details for a researcher/senior member involved in the project

-       If possible: contact details for an international student involved in the project (plus their basic bio details: name, age, home country, course and course year).

Please send a maximum of two stories per week - both stories on the same email (we hope you understand - this will help us manage our time more effectively).