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Direct Marketing Opportunity - Education UK Newsletters Middle East and Africa (Selected markets)

Book your advertisements now in the August 2016 Education UK newsletters!

SIEM is pleased to announce the launch of new direct marketing opportunities in the Middle East and Africa region via our Education UK newsletters. We aim to provide UK institutions an affordable option to increase brand awareness, promote specific programmes or courses, scholarship or other opportunities relevant to a specific market, and to offer a high-quality and consistent channel for institutions to engage with a highly targeted audience.

The newsletters are dispatched to a highly-targeted database of prospective students and parents, school counsellors and agents, and will offer practical advice to prospective students on the various study options in the UK, application processes, accommodation, visas, exciting places to visit, cultural experiences and adventures, as well as market-specific information including scholarships, alumni success stories and events.

Education UK newsletters were launched in all SIEM countries in the region in May 2016 and we are now pleased to be able to offer advertising opportunities in future editions in the following key markets :

Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa.

The newsletter will be dispatched during the week 8 – 12 August 2016.

Action Required

Please see full pricing and reach details and Terms and Conditions in the attached PDF document. Please use the following SurveyMonkey link to register your interest. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LDXHQ3S Bookings taken on a first come first served basis.